Laser Therapy
Like all of our clients, we think of our pets as family, and that’s why it can be so difficult to see them in pain. At Town Center Veterinary Associates, we are here to give you hope and offer progressive solutions in diagnosing and treating your pet. We have helped hundreds of patients that suffer from back pain, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, disc disease, and other acute and chronic health problems. We will carefully evaluate your pet to ensure that we are offering the most suitable therapy for your pet’s condition.
How Does It Work?
Therapeutic laser is a surgery-free, drug-free, noninvasive treatment to reduce pain and inflammation and to reduce the recovery time for your pet. This procedure uses a beam of laser light to deeply penetrate tissue without causing damage. Laser energy induces a biological response in the cells called photobiomodulation and can be performed for both acute and chronic conditions.
Acute conditions that can be treated with therapeutic laser include wounds, allergies, infections, cuts/bites, inflammations, tooth extraction pain relief, sprains, strains and fractures, post-surgical healing, and pain relief.
Chronic conditions that can be treated with therapeutic laser include degenerative joint disease, inflammatory bowel disease, periodontal disease, geriatric care, hip dysplasia, tendonitis, arthritis, hot spots,
Please call us today for more information on our therapeutic laser techniques or to schedule an appointment for your pet.